Seeking to reach those in our community for the Kingdom of Jesus Christ
Care-A-Van Ministries, Inc.
2024 Care-A-Van Ministry Outreach Overview
Care-A-Van Ministries is now going on 25 years of outreach to the city of Batavia, thanks to all the volunteers and all that donate.
It is yourCOMMITMENT- CONSISTENCY & FAITHFULNESS that makes this possible.
Being out in the community is vital to bringing the good news of Jesus to the people right where they are, after all that's what Jesus did. Over this last year we have seen an increase in needs met as compared to the years coming out of COVID, as you can see by the breakdown below. We will continue to go because people still need to know that Jesus loves them and we do too. And when people know you care, they start to believe in you...that's what opens the door to sharing the gospel.
Here is a break down of the needs that were met during 2024:
♦ 1,126 families – representing 3,931 people received food packets and an offer for prayer every Saturday morning.
♦ 16,353 families - representing 33,290 people received food at Abundance of Blessings
with food items that were donated from a company in Pennsylvania and Foodlink donations.
♦ 2,584 meals served at twelve Austin Park Cookouts on Thursday evenings during the summer..
♦ 1,200 candy, cookies, hot & cold cider, hot chocolate and gospel tracts handed out on trick or treat night.
♦ 30 Tim Horton's $20 gift cards distributed to people walking the streets at Christmas.
♦ 325 senior citizens received gift bags at Christmas.
♦ 701 meals served at outreach events.
♦ 33 ALDI blessings throughout the year.
♦ 225 Strawberry Shortcakes served at senior living centers on Thursday evenings in the spring.
♦ 785 visits on the bus for Morning Prayer and encouragement Mondays thru Thursdays.
♦ 105 Thanksgiving meals to households - representing 514 people for Thanksgiving.
♦ 93 Christmas meals to households - representing 481 people at Christmas.
I would like to encourage each of you if you can to come out at least once and see your donations at work.
How will they know we care if we don’t go out and share?
Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.” Matthew 25:40
Thank you so much again and May God Bless You !
As we say at Care-A-Van…KEEP THE LIGHT ON !
Paul Ohlson